Emmie Leung, Founder and CEO is pictured on a plant floor with a member of the engineering team. 2018 marks the third consecutive year that Emterra Group has been named one of Canada's Greenest Employers.
For the third consecutive year, Emterra Group has been named one of Canada’s Greenest Employers for 2018. This distinction is awarded as part of a national competition that recognizes employers that lead the nation in creating a culture of environmental awareness.
“In the early years of the competition, environmental best practices were largely employee-led and community based,” says Richard Yerema, Managing Editor of the Canada’s Top 100 Employers project, which manages the Canada’s Greenest Employers competition. “Today, the best employers are improving many of those early projects and have established formal initiatives and long-term commitments to help mitigate the harmful impacts of their operations. Besides being the right thing to do, they recognize that creating a culture of sustainability attracts people to their organizations, both as new employees and customers.”
“Emterra has always held environmental sustainability in high regard - it is the foundation on which we were built,” says Emmie Leung, Founder and CEO of Emterra Group. “The social and corporate fabric of Canada is changing - employees, customers and communities want to know that the organizations they work for, purchase products from and partner with are taking action to preserve and protect the environment in their daily operations. I am proud to say that Emterra is doing this and we thank the Canada’s Greenest Employer program for recognizing us for our efforts.”
The selection committee, as part of the national competition, once again chose Emterra Group for this award based on a number of its environmental best practices, some of which include:
Its work with The Natural Step Canada’s “Circular Economy Innovation Lab,” - a forward thinking initiative that brings public and private sector leaders and innovators from across Canada to design, pilot and test circular economy solutions.
Its progressive waste and recycling programs that support smaller communities across the country by creating public awareness programs and helping communities without in-house expertise create programs to divert more waste from the landfill.
its significant infrastructure investments to reduce greenhouse gas emission from its fleet operations. This includes the fleet of quieter-running and cleaner-burning compressed natural gas (CNG) trucks and its network of four CNG fuelling stations across the country; all of which are open to the public and other fleet operators and owners.
“A new generation of employees are among us and they want to work for organizations that align with their personal values and beliefs,” says Deb Pikula, Emterra Group, Corporate Director of Human Resources. “Employees want to know that their employers are taking strides to mitigate the environmental impact of their operations and the number of employees asking for this requirement is increasing. We believe that holding a designation like Canada’s Greenest Employer tells potential and current employees that we are and continue to initiate and deliver on commitments that are focused on improving our environmental footprint.”
Now in its 11th year, Canada’s Greenest Employers is an editorial competition that recognizes employers that lead the nation in creating a culture of environmental awareness. Winning employers, selected by the editors of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, are evaluated using four main criteria: (1) the unique environmental initiatives or programs they have developed; (2) whether they have been successful in reducing their own environmental footprint; (3) whether their employees are involved in these programs and contribute any unique skills; and (4) whether their environmental initiatives have become linked to the employer’s public identity, attracting new employees and customers.