Emterra Staying Ahead in the Recycling Game

Emterra Staying Ahead in the Recycling Game

January 30, 2013


Emterra Environmental, Canada’s recycling and waste diversion leader, is featured by The Hamilton Spectator for innovation and technological application to maximize waste diversion. Emterra leads the industry in single stream recycling processing.


HAMILTON, ON (January 30, 2013) - Emterra Environmental is a Canadian leader in waste recycling, recognized for its success in diverting refuse typically destined for landfill and turning it into viable inputs for new products. The industry and press has taken notice and Emterra’s application of recycling technology and their storied success is featured in The Hamilton Spectator. The story is aptly titled, “Emterra Aims to Stay Ahead in the Recycling Game”.

The Hamilton Spectator highlights how the Burlington waste recycling processing plant requires new, advanced equipment to further its ability to separate waste collected at its single stream recycling facility (See: http://www.thespec.com/news/business/local/article/875771--emterra-aims-to-stay-ahead-in-the-recycling-game). The overhaul comes just 4 years after the latest retrofit, demonstrating how fast technology is moving in the direction of improving the sorting process.

Single stream recycling means that various recyclables are collected all together without residents having to separate different types of materials. This results in greater recycling participation rates, yet requires advanced equipment, technology and techniques to separate the collected recyclables at Emterra’s sorting plant.

Emterra () operates 14 processing plants across Canada, and boasts 4 single stream recycling facilities – the most in Canada. Emmie Leung, founder of what is now the Emterra Group of companies, notes “We embrace technological innovation. That’s why we’re ahead of the curve.” Approximately 70% of 500,000 tonnes processed annually is sold across North America to various manufacturers who use the recyclables as inputs for new products.

From humble roots Emmie Leung started International Paper Industries knowing vast amounts of paper can be recycled so she started collecting paper and cardboard and shipping them overseas to China. Emmie soon became the authority on paper recycling and now, 35 years later, the company is an international conglomerate, recently establishing operations in Michigan, USA. Emmie says the opportunity in Canada is still substantial, and has her sights on the vast waste-to-resources opportunity she sees south of the border in the US. “Parts of the United States are more than a decade behind recycling programs in Ontario”, Emmie asserts.

With a focus on creating sustainable communities and reducing the carbon footprint of municipalities and industrial clients alike, Emterra plans on continued leadership in the waste diversion field. To this end, Emterra espouses the Mantra, “there is no waste, only opportunity”.