Chilliwack’s Christmas Shred-a-Thon Biggest Ever!

Chilliwack’s Christmas Shred-a-Thon Biggest Ever!

December 11, 2012


More Paper Shredded, More Food and Cash Donated to Salvation Army. Emterra matches cash donations of $2,100 to Sally Ann!


CHILLIWACK, BC (Decemeber 11, 2012) - The citizens of Chilliwack proved once again that they’ll get behind a good event and make it great.

The fall “Shred-a-Thon” on December 1st is a case in point.

Terry Dawson, Emterra Environmental’s operations manager in Chilliwack, thought the best had been achieved when the Shred-a-Thon held last June topped the previous records in the four-year history of the event.  But he was wrong.

When all of the shredded paper had settled, this 2012 Christmas Shred-a-Thon set the bar higher, collecting even more paper and donated food and cash.

“We actually had to stop shredding paper three quarters of an hour before the event was to end because the truck was about to burst. The Shred-It driver allowed us to hand bomb the last hundred boxes and bags into the back of his truck for transport to his facility where he set about shredding the last of it,” Terry reported.

Emterra organizes the Shred-a-Thon twice yearly, in spring and fall, to allow Chilliwack residents to dispose of personal papers in a secure and confidential manner.

“The goal is to keep waste resource material out of landfill and diverted into recycling, which is good for the landfill and good for the environment,” Terry said.

The City of Chilliwack, Shred-It and the Cottonwood Mall, where the event is held, are co-sponsors.

The environment isn’t the only winner in this highly popular public event. Each year, the organizers let folks know that they can donate non-perishable food or make cash donations to the Salvation Army at the Shred-a-Thon.

This year, citizens donated 1,400 food items, up from 1,200 last June and $2,100 in cash, up from $1,300 last June.

“The response was outstanding,” Terry said. “We were inspired by the generosity of the people who came to the event, so we decided to go the extra mile, too. Instead of matching the cash donations up to a total of $500, as planned, we’re going to match the full amount and give the Sally Ann an additional $2,100 bringing their cash donations to $4,200,” Terry pledged.

“This event has gained such popularity that Chilliwack residents are marking it on their calendars. I’ve already asked Shred-It to let us have two trucks for next June’s event,” he added.

The Chilliwack Shred-a-Thon is one of the many worthwhile charitable and environmental endeavours that Emterra supports across Canada through its “Community CareTM” program. The goal of the “Community CareTM” program is to work as a partner in municipalities where Emterra provides waste and resources collection and processing services to contribute to an improved and healthier environment and more sustainable communities.